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[PyrNet-L] Shock collar info

No  Marcie you are not thick!! I understand the shock collar to be what I
think is called here "an electric shock collar" and is the same principle
as an electric fence.  I have not used one but know others who have with no
serious side effects and in the majority of cases it has been used to
control barking dogs, (not Pyrs) here. Our Vet has one he rents out to the
Farmers for their barking dogs!!  I have admiration for the Lady who posted
her comments on her use of the collar with her Pyr.  Sure it's not
everyone's cuppa but then what we do with our Pyrs is "not everyone else's
cuppa either" and a happy medium for what ever the Pyr in question must be
found and what suits one, wont suit all. The fact that she is able to
exercise her Pyr and have it come back (and we know this aint easy!) and she
is very aware of the strength of the collars means that this works for her
and her Pyr but may not work for you and me.  The collar gives a jolt ,
such as the electric fence and serves as a reminder to the dog that "he is
on a promise" and had better do as he is told  and stop chasing foxes etc.
Would I use one? I don't know but I would certainly not "downcry" anyone who
wanted to use one for the correct reasons in their opinion. After all these
Lists give us the chance to "offer an opinion"  and to give out what we
think is handy advice, not to slam someone for trying something out that we
may well not approve of.  If this was the case then I would not like to
participate in "something" where I thought anything I offered an opinion on
or sought advice from others' would prevent me from letting you know how I
was progressing.  There are many people out there in our Pyrenean/Great
Pyrenees World who do things we do not approve of but many years in the
Breed has taught us not to over react but to try and look at a situation
calmly before making a decision or comment. Some of our comments have far
reaching  effects and this can be good or bad.  I take my hat off to the
Lady who wrote in to let us know of her experience with "the collar" but
remember it may not work for you or me.
The apple box has now been folded and put away!
Jan Chaplin Ariege-Roussillon Pyreneans. Visit my sites at
http://homepages.msn.com/PetsPl/pyreneanmountaindog/ and
http://www.geocities.com/janellachaplin/ and the site of the PMDC at
http://www.geocities.com/pyreneans/ and my latest Site