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Re: [PyrNet-L] shock collars and walking off lead

--- Tracy Bassett <espinay@dynamite.com.au> wrote:
> Doug, Yep, I agree with you.  I am a huge Karen
> Prior fan and see no need
> for shock or pinch collars.  

     For some dogs, there is no need for such devices.
 I'm a teacher.  I've taught four year olds, through
fourth graders.  Each student in my class is
different. With some children, I only use positive
methods.  Some I've resorted to outright bribery, ie
do this and you get a sticker.  Others need
punishment.  Some kids have to stand in the corner for
a while or write sentences. I've found children who
develop a closer bond with you after they have been
punished.  They know how far they can go and they feel
much more comfortable.  
   I've seen the same thing in pets.  Some dogs have
an easier time accepting humans as leader, some have
high prey motivation and want to work for food or
toys, others need to know you are in charge.  Jake is
much happier when I use a very firm tone of voice with
him, then a "happy" one.  
   I don't use a shock collar, and hope I never have
to, but I do use a pinch.  I find it much safer then a
choke, which scares me.  I know my dog, and he will
hurt himself on the choke.  He pulls it down so hard
that it digs into him.  There isn't any way he will
wear that.  I give him a quick correction on the pinch
he looks at me and does exactly what he is suppose to.
     Jake has no problem with his bound to me.   He
will do things for me, he won't for anyone else.  He
and I love to work together.  We do need a reminder
sometimes of who is suppose to be in charge here.  
     I take the same approach with my pyrs that I do
with the kids in my classes.  I try to be aware of a
variety of approaches and use what is best for the
individual in each situation.

"Bluebonnets" by Julia D. Booth
Offical Flower Song of the State of Texas
Bluebonnets, blue lovely Bluebonnets,
More beautiful than all the rest.
Texas chose you for her flower,
And we love you best, Bluebonnets.
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