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[PyrNet-L] thanks

Thanks for all the information. Maybe I better pass up the idea of this free dog. I don't think he is in the best of health and from what everyone is saying I don't really have adequate fencing for him. I only have a dog run at the present. I think he would need more room than that.The underground fence already in place doesn't sound like a good idea either for this breed.Maybe someone could suggest a breed that would fit into our lifestyle. We would like a dog that could stay in the house. Maybe not so big. Not BOUNCING off the walls and good with kids. I really want a good companion dog for my 4 year old son.I want a dog that will stick with him like glue. We had a Beagle. Big mistake.Sweet dog,but he ran until he got tired, then ploped down.
Not a good choice. I want to make sure the next dog is the right one . Someone help me. Breed? Male? Female? Mixed breed/Pound puppy? Any advice will be great.Thanks