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Re: [PyrNet-L] thanks

Cindi...I always had German Shepards before Maggie.  When my middle son was little, around 4 years old....he is 27 now....he used to climb over a low spot in the fence.  The Shepard would go with him..never leaving him.  I one time saw my neighbor walking towards the house with Sean and the dog behind them.  I am SO glad for that AND the fact Sean finally stopped escaping. Sean must have part Pyr!!!  You could never take your eyes off that kid!!!  Now that he is a Daddy it will be interesting to see how his daughter will drive him crazy! hehehe   I think dogs and kids are ALL related somewhere along the line!   
Shepards are as loyal as Pyrs, but they seem to be able to be left un-leashed at times. At least the ones I had NEVER left the property.  If they got out of the gate they would go and sit on the front porch and wait for me to open the door and let them back in.  I guess you just have to do some homework on the type of dog you want and the size that would be good for you.                   Good luck,     Joy McCarron (Maggie's Mom)
----- Original Message -----
From: Cindi
To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 12:00 PM
Subject: [PyrNet-L] thanks

Thanks for all the information. Maybe I better pass up the idea of this free dog. I don't think he is in the best of health and from what everyone is saying I don't really have adequate fencing for him. I only have a dog run at the present. I think he would need more room than that.The underground fence already in place doesn't sound like a good idea either for this breed.Maybe someone could suggest a breed that would fit into our lifestyle. We would like a dog that could stay in the house. Maybe not so big. Not BOUNCING off the walls and good with kids. I really want a good companion dog for my 4 year old son.I want a dog that will stick with him like glue. We had a Beagle. Big mistake.Sweet dog,but he ran until he got tired, then ploped down.
Not a good choice. I want to make sure the next dog is the right one . Someone help me. Breed? Male? Female? Mixed breed/Pound puppy? Any advice will be great.Thanks