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[PyrNet-L] Re: Pyrenees en guarde

>>Since it's
probable that people breeding pretty dogs would turn green watching them
eat a dead sheep.<<
Hi Ken
Why do you just assume that people breeding "pretty" dogs are squeamish, or that they don't like their dogs to be dogs. Most dogs - whether pyrenees or not - will eat carrion if they get the chance.
I breed what I consider pretty dogs, but they are still allowed to be dogs.
Now I have no sheep, so I don't feed sheep carrion, but my dogs eat road-kills, when they get the chance. I don't much like it and prevent it if possible, but it certainly doesn't turn me green or worry me much. It apparently has not done them any harm so far, but I doubt they have had much benefit from it either.
Since your are a sensitive guy, Ken, maybe I shoud add, that I am not trying to be offensive, just wanted to say that allthough I agree that cudling and overprotecting your breeding dogs may not be good for the breed, I resent the indication that just because I want my dogs to look a special way, this is what I do.