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[PyrNet-L] HEALTH, CHAT: Elegantly Fragrant, A Clondike Update

Clondike is a 12 year-old Pyr bitch who was diagnosed with lymphoma in May
of 1998.  Following a 4 month remission on traditional chemo she has
attained 2 more remissions on a rescue protocol so inefficient that most
oncologists have stopped using it.  She is currently 27 weeks (that's more
than 6 months, folks!) into remission #3 and the oncologist just shrugs
and says we are lucky.

Chemo and lymphoma both reduce the effectiveness of the immune system,
leaving the patient subject to a variety of infections.  A couple of weeks
ago Clondike began having urinary symptoms, and we took a urine sample in
for our regular vet checkup.  The urinalysis was essentially normal, and
on examination, Dr. Sammons, Clondike's regular vet, diagnosed an external
vulvitis and prescribed a topical antibiotic/steroid called Topagen.  We
also use Babywipes to assist Clondike with her personal hygiene.

Unfortunately Dr. Sammons is out of town for 3 weeks, and a few days
after seeing her, Clondike's symptoms began to get worse.  Then she
started throwing up--so we made an appointment with Dr. MacLeod, "the new
vet."  Some folks may remember my post about Clondike's reaction to the
news that Dr. MacLeod, who had been assisting in packing Clondike's anal
sacs, was just out of the Univ. of Minnesota vet school--NOT amused!  Only
seasoned professionals should attend the Diva!

In any case, I assured Clondike that Dr. MacLeod is now MUCH more
experienced, and in we went.  Dr. MacLeod admitted right off that she was
nervous treating a patient with such a complex case history, but she was
very patient, listened carefully, and then examined carefully.  She felt
that the stomach thing was unrelated to the vulvitis, and prescribed
another 24 hours without food and a couple of days on Centrine with a
bland diet.  You can imagine how Clondike took this news!

For the vulvitis she prescribed a medicated shampoo twice a day followed
by the Topagen.  She also suggested we take a culture and check for
sensitivities to different antibiotics. 

Now Clondike doesn't HATE having her butt shampooed, but she keeps looking
back over her shoulder as if to ask "what in the heck are you doing back
there?"  The shampoo bottle says it has an "elegant fragrance" so I've
tried to pitch the advantages of having an elegantly fragrant butt if Mr.
Right should happen along.  Clondike remains unconvinced.

I have also tried telling her that all over Minnesota on these cold winter
nights, people without cable TV are gathering around the fire with their
dogs and giving them butt shampoos--a fun activity for the whole family.
Unfortunately that hasn't gone over very well, either.

The bad news is that Dr. MacLeod called this morning to say that the
bacteria living on Clondike's butt are resistant too every antibiotic
except an exotic one usually used on horses.  She feels the antiseptic
shampoo is our best approach to treating this.

The good news is that the affected area seems to be less irritated and the
urinary symptoms are abating slowly.  The stomach problem seems totally
resolved and Clondike is back on half dog food and half hamburger and

She was well enough to attend the Penn-Dutch Great Pyrenees Club's
Christmas Party today and had a great time.  She is still very much the
Queen Bitch of Penn-Dutch and she greeted the dogs graciously, while
letting the bitches live.  We didn't notice any special attention being
paid to her butt, however, so maybe the shampoo isn't all it's cracked up
to be.

The continuing support of people from the various lists has helped a lot
with the stress of caring for our girl.  We really appreciate it.

David, Nancy and Clondike (the elegantly fragrant one)

 David Kintsfather, Ph.D.       | PHONE:       (610) 683-4497
 Prof. of Telecommunications    | FAX:         (610) 683-4659
 Kutztown University            | E-MAIL:      kintsfat@kutztown.edu
 PO Box 730                     | "We need not think alike to love alike."
 Kutztown, PA  19530-0730       |              Francis David