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Re: [PyrNet-L] SAS- Threat to Pyrs?

On 17 Dec 99, at 15:34, JGentzel@aol.com wrote:
> But, from what has just been read, no one really knows this, do they?  From 
> what is being said, the cost of checking is minuscule verses loss of all our 
> breeding dogs?  N'est pas?

I've got newfs.  I will say one thing.  If you look at a newf pedigree 
today in general you're not going to see heavy line breeding in it 
anymore.  I understand they used to do heavy line breeding.   I 
would suspect also that goldens and rottweillers did this also.  
Guess what.  That's how SAS usually gets started in there, heavy 
line breeding, and once it gets in there, well, the rest is 
history.........not discovered until one of your dogs falls over dead, 
has a heart failure episode or a regular vet by chance detects a 
heart murmur and it's checked.  

Janice, janices@jump.net
Linsey (newf), Bianca & Sonny (pyrs)  
Leander, TX