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Re: [PyrNet-L] Leo is growing!

Katie, I don't think you can give much of an average age for them
maturing.  I think it happens just as you see it, a little bit at a time.
 Usually the larger the breed, the longer to mature, also certain breeds.
 The desire to chase and retrieve is also more of a breed thing, based on
what they were bred to do, which is why most Pyrs., and dogs of their
type are not inclined to chasing a ball  The retrieving thing can be
difficult, especially if your working obedience with them.  I'm not a big
person for throwing things for dogs to retrieve, and I always seem to end
up with breeds that don't much care
( the exception was a big black standard poodle of mine, MacDuff , when I
was in my teens and  
 twenties ) for chasing after sticks, balls, dumbells etc.  At any rate,
the average for a big dog is around four years, give or take.  Up till
then you will see subtle changes , but don't assume anything is set in
stone, even when they seem to be maturing.  My four will be two in March,
and while I see a big difference in them, they have a long way to go. 
Walk out of a room and they will still say..." she's gone, hit the
couches  ", and you will walk back in and they are running from one couch
across the room, flinging  themselves on another couch, etc.  Then they
give you the sulky..."Aw gee, we were just having fun" look when you say
anything to them!  So I would say, you have a while yet!  :-)  Cindy.

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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