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Re: [PyrNet-L] Re: command 'Come'?

On 5 Jan 00, at 15:20, Pendragon wrote:

> I need to train them
> to come to me. Can this be taught with bribes? Something simple please.
> They may be very intelligent but I have serious doubts about self.

Well yes, they can be trained to come when called. As long as they 
are in a fenced area mine obey every time. (:o.  But if someone gets 
out, all training is likely to be forgotten.  Carry treats at all 
times in case they do get out.  I was lucky with my male when the 
unlatched gate blew open.  He stood and looked at the treat and 
decided he wanted it <g>.  All of mine have some obedience training, 
figure that gives me more of a chance if one gets out.  Depending on 
your dog, praise may work just as well as a treat.  Start working 
with a long lead or rope.  Let the dog wander and then call them to 
you, reeling them in as they come.  Then lots of praise or a treat.  
Make it a fun happy time. Use only one command for the serious 
recall, the one you want them to stop and obey.  I use 'come' in 
training, 'let's go' when they are loose in the yard. Some folks use 
' here'. When you give the serious recall command always make sure 
you have the equipment to back it up. Always have them on lead before 
you give the command.  They do know the difference and you want them 
to learn that they must obey during serious training.  Try and find a 
obedience class, they are fun, you will both learn and your dog, no 
matter what age will enjoy it.  I put all the rescues through a short 
obedience session, they all learn and have fun, whatever their age. 

As for out running a pyr, no way, once that ole roamin gene has 
kicked in.  I've tried it all, from turning and running the other 
way, even was nominated for an academy award when I fell to the 
ground crying hysterically.  That did work once!

Taos, New Mexico