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Re: [PyrNet-L] CHAT: SNOW and more SNOW!

Well, we found another use for our Pyrs this past weekend.  The snow started 
on Saturday afternoon here in the Upstate of South Carolina.  By evening 
(can't say sundown, as we didn't have any sun that day), we had 3 inches on 
the ground, and is was then starting to turn to sleet and freezing rain.  The 
woman who would normally feed on Sunday morning at the stables where we have 
our horse, called to ask if I could make it out.  She didn't think she'd be 
able to get out, and I only live about 4 miles from the barn.  David, my 
husband, said if it was bad, he'd drive me out.  

So on Sunday morning, we got ready to go out, when we realised we'd have to 
take the Ford Escort wagon (it had petrol, the big Chevy wagon didn't).  We 
wanted to had some extra weight to the back of the car, and what better way 
to do it than to take a couple of Pyrs with us.  Kes and Zoe were very happy 
to go along.  No point lugging cat litter, bags of feed, concrete blocks into 
the car, when the 200 pounds of weight eagerly jumps in for you.

Taylors, SC