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Re: [PyrNet-L] Re: pyrnet-l-digest.20000130

Mostly, Joe, because I have known of dogs that have prelimed(sp?)
a Good or Fair and have then, at the age of 2 been dropped down
to a Fair (from the Good prelim) or dysplastic from the Fair
prelim. I would also hope that waiting would also give people who
are novices at breeding more time to learn what should, and
should not be bred or bred to. This in no way reflects on the
original poster or on you, Joe, just a general statement. I
seriously doubt that waiting until a male is 2 years old before
breeding him will be a serious detriment to the breed. I do
understand that many breeders don't wait for this age with males
and there are those out there that don't wait with their bitches
either. These are the choices of the breeders and I would hope
that those making these decisions are experienced and have good
reasons for what they are doing in this regard. I personally know
some of the breeders who don't wait until a male is 2 before
using him at stud. These are knowledgeable and well respected
breeders. They also have my admiration and respect for what they
have contributed to the breed in their breeding programs.

Barb Bowes
Bo, Molly, Chelsea (Pyrs) & Flopsy (Pyr Shep)
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!