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Re: [PyrNet-L] Westminster

On Thu, 17 Feb 2000 20:19:48 EST Kshoffman@aol.com writes:
" I've had too many opportunities to be in  the know  about too many top
winning breeding programs (all-breeds). . ."

Kelly, I have to agree with you.  Although Gypsy (11 mo Pyr) is the only
dog I've got now, and my first Pyr, a long time ago I was the kennel
master for one of the top winning handlers of the time.  As such, I had
more than ample opportunity to meet, listen to, and observe the actions
of many of the breeders.  All too often, as long as they were producing
winning dogs they couldn't find fault with their actions.  For example,
one of the clients bred Dobermans.  Absolutely beautiful animals, but
they had to get them shown and titled at a young age because of a
horrible skin condition that affected half of their stock.  They'd show
them when they were young, retire them from the ring, and then breed them
until the dogs were suffering so much that it affected their
temperaments.  At that point, they would have them put down.  All anybody
on the "outside" saw were the beautiful dogs that they brought to the

I could write a novel about the things I observed first hand, but it
would be too depressing.  If a health defect was found in a winning
prospect, the standard attitude at the time seemed to be "Well, let's at
least get a litter or two out of them before we put them down."  It made
me sick, and after 5 years of it I quit.  The thing that really bothers
me is that now, after all these years, I still see some of these same
names touted as respected authorities.  Apparently not much has changed. 
I just wish that there were something that could be done about it.

Jeanne Bravin
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