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[PyrNet-L] Dog Walking in Japan

    I was just perusing an article in the May issue of Dog Fancy that talked 
about this new park in Japan where people go and actually PAY money to walk 
dogs because they don't own any. (They can come walk mine anytime!) Anyway, 
the interesting part came at the end when it said that the two most popular 
dogs people wanted to walk were a Shetland Sheepdog named "Jun" and a Great 
Pyrenees named "Jolly". It makes you beam with pride, eh? Hee hee. It had a 
nice note about little Japanese kids being able to come right up and hug the 
dogs. I can just picture that magnificent Pyr giving hugs all day and never 
tiring! Very nice! There was also another note in the magazine that said (by 
registration statistics in America) that Pyr's are the 45th most popular 
breed...both good and evil, I suppose, but nice that we're noteworthy! 

-Emily Hainsworth
Castle Rock, CO