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Re: [PyrNet-L] T.V. Commercial

In a message dated 3/17/00 7:48:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, mikej@alaweb.com 

<< It would appear to me that some on here have never raised a little boy and 
 dog at the same time. Having done so I can talk about this one.   If the boy
 and dog in the commerical belong to each other the little boy could do 
 he wanted to do and the dog would either lay there and accept it or get up 
 leave.  That is what, in my experience, smart dogs do. The commerical has to
 be one of the funnest and best laundry detergent that has been one tv in a 
 long time.   >>

I have to say that I totally agree with the above poster.  I just don't see 
what all the fuss is about.  Commercials are indeed a way for the sponsors to 
get us, the consumers to purchase their products.  However, they search for a 
way to entertain us in the process.  As in any ad, I'm sure there are those 
that will be offended, but I think this one in particular is being looked at 
under a microscope. It's funny, it's real life.  And as far as some saying 
that the dog and child were totally unsupervised, I have two children as well 
as two dogs, and I would not keep a dog that would even growl at a child.  
Two year olds are unpredictable period, but that is no excuse as someone 
previously said to have the dog turn on the child and attack.  This to me 
anyway, would be a dog with an ill temperment.