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Re: [PyrNet-L] Tapeworm

David Anderson wrote:
> Wonder if someone can advise me on this? I just realised this morning that
> my cats (one of them, anyways) has tapeworm...>ick< ...and I wondered, is it
> possible for them to give it to the dogs as well? While one of my cats, Big
> Fat Bill, likes to lick the dogs heads, the dogs do not groom him...so can
> he have passed it to the dogs in any other way? I have, thank goodness,
> caught the worm early on, and will medicate tonight...Let me know what you
> think!
Ok - since I just went thru this at the vet.....

Critters get tapeworm from ingesting an infected flea - passage between
other critters is rare. I had one bitch with Tapeworm - The vet told me
this but, I proceeded to have all the others checked especially since I
do have stool eaters - sure enough, none of the others were positive.
Now if you had some fleas in the house or yard and they bit the infected
cat - then there would be a chance that way. I thought my vet was nuts
when he told me that but, I looked it up.
