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[PyrNet-L] Canine Senility

Pyr Lovers and Villagers,

It is once again time to spin the prayer wheels for my Paddy.  I took him to 
Dr. Karen last night to have him evaluated for some very strange behaviors he 
has been exhibiting over the last two weeks or so.

He has become moderately to very aggressive towards one of my Tibbies in 
particular but all of them in general.  He has developed some strange eating 
habits -- he used to be a very neat eater and now he spits food all over the 
place, including into his water bowl.  He stares off into space and when you 
look at him he has the kind of expression as if "the lights are on but nobody 
is home."  As I posted before, he has always been a "barker" but now things 
are different.  He lays on the landing of the stairs and barks at the 
ceiling, really very very strange behavior.

There are other oddities creeping into his daily life -- sleep pattern 
changes for example.  He walks around as if he is confused about where he is. 
 He has even peed on the living room rug.  I am concerned that he really 
could be "senile" or have what is called Canine Cognitive Dysfunction.  Karen 
says this is a real possibility.  If any of you have any information on this 
condition, please let me know.

Karen says that if this is his real problem, the aggression may/probably will 
get worse.  She said there they even be a point he does not recognize me and 
become aggressive to family members.

I hope someone on the list has information which I need.  Thank you all for 
caring about Paddy.  We really need some serious prayer wheel spinning and 
dew claw crosses!

Stephanie and Paddy