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Re: [PyrNet-L] Favorite toys?

Hi Tammy,
My pyrs won't play with dog toys at all!  We've got balls that squeak, jingle, and make electronic sounds.  We've got rubber hamburgers, pork chops, and the "Daily Growl."  We've got knotted ropes, Kongs, and doggie stuffed toys.  We even have those rubber contraptions that you're supposed to hide a treat in.  What my dogs will play with is old discarded clothing tied into knots.  Daisy likes to shake them around like prey or toss them up in the air and then pounce on them.  Both Badger and Daisy play tug of war with them.  The other thing they like is ....... the cat's toy!!  It's a round plastic platform with a cardboard scratching pad in the middle and a white ball that rolls round a groove on the outside of it.  Why Badger feels the need to "sharpen" his toe nails on it is beyond me.  He's also fascinated with trying to get the white ball out of the groove.  The cat just sits and watches from a distance with this "great, he's gonna break it" look on her face.
----- Original Message -----
From: tmseller
To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 8:39 PM
Subject: [PyrNet-L] Favorite toys?

While I enjoy all the Pyr education I get on this list, I wanted to ask what kinds
of toys are favorites with your Pyrs?  It seems I spend a lot of money on toys
for Bonnie.  Of course her favorite thing is to find the weakest point in the toy,
tear a hole in the toy and pull all the stuffing out!  She used to go for right where
the squeaker is, but now is less discrimnate and just goes for the smallest part
that is sticking out.
However, she isn't able to do that with our newest toy.  I just got a new laser pointer
and Bonnie will spend 10-15 minutes chasing it around the room, trying to catch the
point of light.  Definitely cheap entertainment for me!  Of course we make sure it doesn't
get pointed at her eyes, but other than that, she loves chasing the light.
I would like to know if any of you have found toys that are Pyr-resistant.  Most of the
stuffed toys rip so easily, that I would like to find some that I don't have to spend more
time restuffing and resewing than she does playing with the toy.  Anyone got any ideas?
Going broke in Little Rock trying to keep my Pyr in toys.
Tammy :)