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Re: [PyrNet-L] Chat:Rally obedience

Kiradaw@aol.com wrote:

> Hi All,
>     The reason, I am writing is to see if you have heard about the new
> obedience division called Rally Style. I am very keyed up and excited about
> this event, I think it will be a great chance for our Pyr's to do very well
> in the ring.

OK, I admit it, this is a reply to a post that was sent WAY LONG AGO, but that is
how far behind on my e-mail I am.  But i am very very excited about rally
obedience as well.  A trainer in our area did a demo of it at a Bob Self seminar,
and said it was a real blast!  I am going to be going to an AKC judges seminar
down in New Jersey in two weeks, and so am hoping to find out much more about
this event.  But the way I heard it described, you have a course (taking up the
space that two normal obedience rings would take) with upwards of 30 "stations".
At each station is a sign, specifying the exercise to be done at that spot.  The
sign might say "come fore" for example.  Or a left about u-turn.  One station
might be "leave your dog" and the next station "call your dog".  They might have
you do a "fast" at the last station so that you actually go running right out of
the ring as your exit.  Neat!  Not only can you talk to and praise your dog all
the way through, but you also are moving from station to station and doing the
exercises at your pace, not at the direction of the judge.  And yes, with all of
those stations, you do get to walk the course first, like they do in agility.

I think it sounds like a total blast, and might help especially the new obedience
person to get used to and relaxed about being in the ring:  much looser!

Best wishes to Debbie and the Pyr gang!

Jane Gill and Conrad (who is retired, thank you very much) and Weezie (who's eyes
are spinning around in her head at the moment.)