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Re: [PyrNet-L] Dog Breaks In.

List is rather quiet, so I thought I would toss out a tail,....
er' make that a tale.  A few weeks back we had a dog try to break into
our home.  She was evidently dumped, and must have decided she didn't
want to be a dump-ee.

The Pyrs. sleep in our room, at night.  Mostly on the floor, but often at
least one of them is on the bed.  On this particular night the windows
were wide open, and we were sleeping soundly.  All of a sudden the Pyrs.
went ballistic...barking up  a storm, jumping on and off the bed,
trampling over us, trying to get out the window on my side of the bed. 
Being trampled by four Pyrs. is not the best way to wake up, and I sat up
yelling and swatting.
Mind you, not an easy thing to do on a water bed with six ft. waves
,compliments of the Pyrs.  I glanced over at the window in question, to
see a round head looking in.  Must admit, it scared the living daylights
out of me at first.  And still the Pyrs. raged their objection to this
intruder!  I jumped out of bed and stuck my face up to the window only to
see the face of a black dog.  Thinking it was the neighbors, I screamed
at it to get the @#$%$ out of here, and "go home".  The dog whimpered and
collapsed under the window.  Obviously not the same dog, I got up, tried
to get the dogs to quiet down ( hubby has been on long hard work hours ),
and went out to deal with the dog.

Well she went nuts with glee that someone would come out to her.  About
19" tall, Am. Staff/Pointer, appearance.
At 3 A.M. I am staggering around dragging a crate out, getting a blanket,
and putting her inside.  I placed the cage by my daughters car, with a
note, to drop off at the pound on her way to work in the morning.  I hear
Kendra leave, 20 minutes later, I hear and see her headlights coming back
in.  I get up and go out.  She is all upset, tells me she can't do it,
the dog is so sweet, behaves so well, gives hugs and kisses etc.  I take
the dog and cage back, and send her off to work.  Hubby goes to work,
muttering " no more dogs"  he says it a lot, for all the good it does
him.  Find  out that she had taken the screen out of the front door,
before trying our room, and the bottom of the screen on our window was
coming out!  I decide to try the no-kill shelter.  Easter weekend,
nothing going on till Monday!?  Bathe her for fleas, feed her. Storms
over the weekend, she sleeps in Kendra's room...always a big mistake! 
Pyrs. dealing with the intruder, not happily, but with tolerance.  She
has an attitude, and will hold her own.  Careful monitoring is in order!

Mon.  No-kill calls and say's there is a four mo. waiting list?  I run an
ad. in the paper. call the Vets. in the area, and the pounds etc. Put up
signs too.  She is smart , obedient, listens and reacts to everything you
say, when you say it ( interesting change, ha! ), doesn't bother the
birds, horses, etc.  Plays ball, and retrieves setting the ball in front
of you.  Has a coat like patent leather.  Someone must have cared about
her once?

I'm sure you probably all know where this ends up.  I took her in for
shots, she is scheduled to be spayed on Thur.  Lucky for us she was
negative for heart worms.  She did go into heat shortly after arriving,
but at least she is not pregnant!  Kendra got her a beautiful new collar
and leash, tags, and a hound glove.  By now all the dogs have accepted
her into the pack, she actually keeps the Pyrs, more active as she keeps
their game of chase going longer.  Although you can see her shock when
they converge, jump, and chest crash, and she is in the middle of it! 
Kendra called her Shadowspell ( came in the shadows of the night, and
cast her spell ) ,  Hubby calls her " Suck-up " ", and she comes to him,
even if it doesn't sound like Shadow.  How do I get myself into this?

We have had an especially bad spring for dog dumping this year.  One
neighbor down the country road is feeding twelve strays.  It is really
depressing at any time, but this year has been worse, as the city folks
decide that the dogs can make it in the country on their own.  We are
just cringing  every time a dog walks by.  The Pyrs. have run off a bunch
when we open the doors and let them out.  But now we are having to check
the yard carefully before we open the doors, esp. at night!

Anyone else having a heavier load of strays this year?

Just thought I would share the adoption news and put something on the
list! :-)  Cindy.

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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