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[pyrnet] Re: Dog Foods

>  How about it?  With all the designer foods, and nutrition experts we have
>  today, anyone want to comment on how their dogs were treated and fed back
>  in the "old days"?

      Yes, I was born in 1944 and clearly remember feeding our farm dogs IAMS 
from the feed store mixed with table scraps.   My parents didn't let the dogs 
come in the house until I was about in 8 grade.   We than had a mutt named 
Sandy that was allowed in and out.  She was the first animal I remember them 
getting spayed.  She unfortunatly died of heartworm (thats what we later 
thought it must have been)  I think as no one knew what it was at the time.  
Dad found her dead at about age 8 in the field.  My parents got a lot better 
about animals later in life and the last dog they had together was "Yogi," a 
poodle/schauser mix that was treated like a baby and lived to be 14.  He died 
while sleeping on the couch WITH ME........good for him.......bad for 
me....LOL   I woke up to find him stiff as a board at my feet......it sucked. 
 Had to bury him in the pouring rain with my daughter and I crying our eyes 
out.  Mum and Dad were in Florida at the time and I was living in Michigan.  
Sigh......brought back a lot of memories.

Linda in SC
 Grace, Maggie, Kelly (dog girls)
Sarah, Hobbes, Yngwye(cats)
 Annie& Spikey (goats)
and the birds

   <A HREF="http://home.talkcity.com/MigrationPath/norjet/index.html">Norjet's