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Re: [pyrnet] Goodbye Arthur

So sorry to read of Arthur's passing.  The old ones leave such a hole in our lives and Arthur sounds
like such a special dog..  You are lucky that you will continue to be able to see  Arthur through
his descendants.  I have a grandson of my beloved Beau that I swear is a reincarnation... they are
so much alike, not just in looks but also in temperament.  I fell in love with Banner almost from
the minute he was born, there was never a question about which puppy I would keep from that litter.

ARIEGE wrote:

> Arthur has gone in his 11th year. The breed in this country owes so much to
> one dog and he was mine. Our hearts have been broken once again. I know that
> I am very fortunate in the best people who have his children left, thank you
> Ronda and Lavina. My husband is devastated, Arthur was his best buddy. I am
> devastated once again to lose yet another Pyrenean. How many more do we have
> to lose before we say " I can't stand this any longer?" I leave with
> Arthur's last message on his little tribute page.  I did this because I
> cannot speak on the phone about him. I cannot speak about him at all. My
> heart is just so completely broken. My old dark face has gone. Say farewell
> to him for me.
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