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[pyrnet] RE: corneal dystrophy

well, i did spend the $200 on a specialist and it was pretty inconclusive.  
there is no cure, they don't know what causes it except for diabetes, which 
can be detected by a blood test.  that was ruled out in seamus' case.  he 
tested negatively for glaucoma, cataracts, all eye diseases.  so, same with 
you, they told me to track its growth and change and also NOT to use any 
steroid or other eye creams, these can exacerbate the problem.  did they check 
eliza for diabetes?  that would be the first thing to ask for.

thanks for the email.

>===== Original Message From pam <pamhf@tenet.edu> =====
>From: pam <pamhf@tenet.edu> on 07/06/2000 11:19 AM
>To:   sdobscha@LNMTA.bentley.edu
>Subject:  corneal dystrophy
>Susan, for some reason my posts won't go through to the list so I have to
>e-mail personally.
>I was very interested in learning about Seamus' corneal dystrophy.  I have
>Eliza, a three year old pyr.  She was diagnosed with the same thing several
>years ago.  My vet has its location marked on her chart so we can check its
>growth.  She actually has it in both eyes.  One eye is barely detectable
>has not changed - it's like a pinprick.  The other eye seems to be getting
>much more pronounced, although I'm not sure it's getting any bigger.  As
>with Seamus, it doesn't seem to be bothering her at all.
>My vet said it is basically a dead spot in the eye and will never repair
>itself. At some point I may go to a specialist, but will watch it for the
>time being.  I have not been able to find out too much information about
>it doesn't seem to be the eye problem more commonly found in pyrs.  Anyway,
>I'll read reactions to your post with interest, and if you find out
>more, I would appreciate it if you would please let me know.  Good luck to
>you and Seamus.
>                                Pam & Eliza in Houston