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[pyrnet] CHAT, EVENTS: World Pyrenean Conference Topic - Permanent Identification

Hi All,

I have been asked to speak at the World Pyrenean Conference in Melbourne in
November on the subject of permanent identification for dogs (ie
Microchipping and Tattooing).  I would like to present more of a world view
of the issue, so want to open up the subject here for discussion.  Here are
a few issues I would like peoples views on.  If there are any other issues
you can think of, don't be shy about bringing them up too :-).  Feel free to
respond either privately or to the list.........

What benefits do you see from microchipping/tattooing?

Have you ever had personal experience with any of these benefits?

What disadvantages do you see from microchipping/tattooing?

Have you ever had any personal experience with any of these disadvantages?

What do you see as the pros and cons of microchipping versus tattooing?

What formal registers are available to you in relation to microchipping/

How accessible/useful is this register?

Would you like to see the development of a formal register (if so, what

What benefits/advantages do you see in relation to tattoo placement (eg ear
versus leg)?

Is permanent identification required under government export and/or import
laws for your country?  If so, what are these requirements (or where can I
get info on them)?

Well, I think that is enough for starters LOL!  Thank you all so much for
your help.  I really want to make the Conference discussion as informative
and relevant as possible.

Tracy Bassett
Canberra, Australia
visit my webpage at http://members.dynamite.com.au/espinay/index.htm