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[pyrnet] RE: Healing Wounds

> Howdy!
> Going to add my 2 cents on this one. I have found that Emu Oil works
> well on healing the wound described. If the
> dog is still chewing I use Allercaine Spray.

Where would I find these? Would they carry them in a drugstore?

The Emu Oil would be found at the health food store and the Allercaine
at the drugstore usually in the first aid department, but, this time of
the year they sometimes have it with the suntan lotion or the bug
repellent products because it's good for sunburn and bug bites as well.

I would also make sure I keep the coat flowing freely - in other words -
extra brushing and combing. If he does need a bath - I would use an
oatmeal based shampoo and make sure you get him thoroughly rinsed and
dry as soap residue or moisture can aggravate the problem.

> I would also try to find the source of the problem. I have known some
> Pyrs that actually have summer allergies.

I am beginning to think he does have some kind of summer allergy as this
only started when the summer really started to heat up.

I'm not sure what area you live in, but, I would start thinking about
what was new(maybe it's always been there but I think you know what I
mean) about the time his problem started. I have one that puzzled me
until I figured out she broke into a rash and hot spots a few days after
I used Carpet Fresh, so we don't use it anymore.
