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Re: [pyrnet] Skunked

Elaine, we used to get skunks in our garage.  They came through the
garage cat door to eat cat food.  You would open the door into the house,
look out, and see one to many "kitties" out there, and quietly shut the
door till the unwanted kitty left!  One day one wouldn't leave. Hubby
opened the whole garage door, did all sorts of things to 
" encourage "kitty to leave.  Black and white kitty sat under his tool
bench.  Next thing I see hubby going into the garage with a hose.  Before
I could yell "NO", hubby tries to blast kitty out with the water.  Yes
kitty left...but not without leaving his scent to remember him by! 
Sometimes both the men and the dogs don't come across as the brightest of
the litter! :-)  We actually had the house up for sale at the time too,
wouldn't you have thought, the male person would have thought about
Sigh.....no wonder we compare them to kids....Cindy

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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