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Re: [pyrnet] GPCA --ILP

Kelley wrote:
Why pick and choose only ONE genetic defect to discriminate
against in the
eligibility for top club awards?  Is it simply because the
effects of this
particular genetic defect happen to be visible to the naked eye,
easy for all
to see?  Is that the primary reason?

Basically my point for jumping into this thread. I never knew
that ILP was not an actual AKC registration. After all, the AKC
accepts money to not register them. OK. But, I can't and won't
vote for something that will restrict awards to ILP registered
dogs. Hall of Fame or not. I DO NOT and WILL NOT support or
promote the breeding of Dwarfs on the whim or assumption that
they are cute, or sought after, etc. I do support finding some
way of eliminating them or at least reducing their numbers. I'd
also like to eliminate the occurrence of patellar luxation,
epilepsy, heart problems, poor temperament, etc. I'm certainly
grateful that coming up with the particular proposal that is
being discussed is not my job. Perhaps the only way to be truly
fair in this matter is to simply eliminate the Hall of Fame
Awards altogether. (Flame suit on and zipped!) BTW, I'm not
necessarily "for" this particular solution, either. Just a
thought. Tough problem. Good luck to all of those that are trying
to solve it!

Barb Bowes
Bo & Chelsea (Pyrs) & Flopsy (Pyr Shep)
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!