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Re: [pyrnet] GPCA -- and dwarfs

----- Original Message -----
From: <JGentzel@aol.com>

What could be more persuasive than the "threat" of disfigured, maimed dogs
that are classified as nonfunctional in any Dwarf litter in the future? >>

Only that none of these legitimate dire warnings has ever stopped anyone
from breeding litters at very high risk for dyplasia or patellar luxation.
Both of which are probably a much greater possiblity than any seriously
"maimed" dwarf and can certainly be as debilitating.

<<Quibble as we might, the facts are that not only limb but spinal
accompany the syndrome. >>

You may choose to call it quibbling but it is more than that when the clear
impression is left that these "disfigured, maimed dogs" are are common or
frequent among dwarfs.  As far as we can determine that is simply not the

<<If we ever get to the point that we are desensitized and
dumbdowned to accept even 1% as acceptable to endure, I believe we are on
wrong path completely. >>

So, who's desensitized??  I don't think that most people are desensitized
to anything that makes a dog "suffer".  My point was that this 1% argument
is probably not going to be terribly convincing.  Whether that is right or
wrong or moral or humane is moot.  It is simply the way it is.
