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[pyrnet] pyr's/wolf

Hi Gerry I don't know much about wolves but has it ever came near you dogs
before?If it's owner keeps it tied all the time being they are pack animals
too, he may have been looking for company .When the owner came and grabbed
for his collar he may have sensed his owner's agitation which could have
resulted in his suddenly going spastic or he could have been afraid and the
fear aggression kicked in.If his owner keeps him tied all the time he must
not receive a lot of companion ship.I think if he really meant to do harm to
any of your pyr's it would have happened right at the start of his coming to
your property.Your male pyr may also have sensed the owners anger and
aggression towards the wolf.Which triggered his reaction when the wolf
started to growl.he could have taken it has a threat.How sad even for a wolf
or any animal that likes to have a pack to be tied up all the time.All thing
living need love and companionship.I would be feeling the same way your
feeling right now if I were in your place but I still feel sorry for the
wolf or any Dog that has to live a life tied all the time.I  hope all goes
well for you and your pyrs.Have you talked to the wolf's owner to see what
kind of temperament he normally show's it may help put your mind at rest.He
may have also became protective of his owner which brought on his reaction
just like with some dogs it's better if we don't go into the examining room
with them at the vets.I'm being very long winded with this so I will bid you
Good Night