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Re: [pyrnet] company

Carol, and that's fine.  I am sure there are a lot more people who feel
just like you do.  No matter what anyone else thinks, you ( and other's )
are going to do just what you feel is right.  But there are a few of us,
that have discussed this in one form or another before, that feel like
animals ( our dogs ), deserve to be treated just a little bit better, or
differently.  That they are social beings that benefit from
companionship.  Just as we would not hustle a child out of sight, we do
not feel our dogs need to be. 
Remember, when Peggy first mentioned this, no one had said that her dogs
were ill mannered.  No reason to jump to that conclusion.  Her dogs
deserve to be just where she would like them to be, with her!  Just as
you are comfortable doing something else with yours.  Just a difference
of opinion as to what dogs are.  For some, they are real members of the
family, for others they are dogs.
Peggy got cheered on because she was upset about the way people act
around her dogs, and she handled it her way.  Cindy

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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