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Re: [pyrnet] Pyr eyes (now dwarfism)

In a message dated 12/22/00 2:16:51 PM Pacific Standard Time, Pyrstaf@aol.com

Joe - I really doubt that any reputable Malamute person would dare to
Malamute dwarfism with Pyr dwarfism.  Do you assume all dwarfs are blind
because Labrador dwarfs are usually blind?  Do you conside them all to have
poor coat quality because German Shepherd dwarfs have this trait?  

What does that have to do with a method of calculating probability of passing
a autosomal recessive gene in breeding?  

If someone has an agenda and mission they are certainly not unbiased.  While
our hearts go out to the dwarfs, most of us long time breeders have to place
the welfare of the breed above some superficial wants of a few dog owners.  
When we start manipulating the facts and information to suit an agenda, we
have lost or never had an objective point of view.    

<<There IS
no scientific literature that is in any way definitive on Pyrenees dwarf

Yes, there is and you know where it is if you read the bulletin.

<<That is why we did the health survey.  >>

It is interesting, but not very meaningful as fact tool.  It is also subject
to bias and agenda as well.  Certainly anyone can submit anything they want,
but that does not necessarily mean it should be accored any credability.  
When someone gets so emotionally involved they loose their objectivity.  When
they also refuse to allow desenting voices to their views to be expressed
they have passed any point of being objective or seeking facts.  They are at
the point of wanting to tailor the results to fit their agenda.  
