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Re: Re: Re: [pyrnet] neighbors.

i may be getting the wrong impression, but is this directed towards me
personally? i do not want for all of you to think that i am an
irresponsible owner. we have tried and tried to find a containment system
that works (and are praying that the new invible fence will work), but as
you know that can take a lot of trial and error when it comes to a hard
headed pyr.
i certainely agree that owners should not let dogs run free, i just think
the neighbors should cut us a little slack. as a tolerant neighbor, i
expect others to be tolerant towards me, as long as i am trying to remedy
the problem.

On Tue, 2 Jan 2001 09:07:00 -0600 clhenke@juno.com writes:
> Judith and Robyn, "hear-hear", boy do I agree.  And by the same 
> token, it
> is wrong for the other guy to always have to fence to keep the 
> neighbors
> dog out.  Everyone should be responsible and caring enough to keep 
> their
> own dogs contained.  It isn't easy, but it is the right thing to do. 
>  I'm
> not a nasty neighbor, but I don't want other dogs running my place. 
> I
> would understand if another Pyr. showed up, knowing how they travel, 
> but
> I would still be upset if it continued to happen.   Just like I 
> expect
> mine to be at home, and work towards that end.
> Cindy Henke
> clhenke@juno.com
> Ennis, Texas
> "All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is 
> contained
> in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka
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