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Re: [pyrnet] neighbors.


I agree it is important to keep the peace with the neighbors.  But this is a
case where education and training are everything.  Well behaved dogs are
trained, not born.  People who tell you that the dog has been barking for
five years are telling you that they are not knowledgeable of how to train a
dog or are too lazy to train their dog to behave better.  The dogs can and
do learn to be much more selective in their barking.

Unfortunately, ignorance is the norm and the complacent response.  The dogs
will bear the consequences of an ignorant owner.

I work night and day at keeping my Pyrs out of trouble.  It is hard work.
But generally they do not bark outside.  We live in suburbia, so they simply
cannot indulge in the constant barking that Pyrs are famous for.

Sandy White
Texas Gulf Coast