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Re: [pyrnet] Possible seizure

I know of other breeds who have had seizure like problems with Frontline.  
Some dogs cannot tolerate it at all.   I never give my heartworm meds or flea
control at the same time.  I like to split it by a week.

Another thing no one mentioned, is that there were incidents in Florida last
year with mold contaminated dog food.  It definitely will cause seizures.  
Those of you who were not around when the first dog foods came on the market,
don't have any idea what it was like to get half way through a bag and have
it go bad.
No preservatives at the time.  You just bought from local mills and hoped for
the best.  Many a time we had dogs staggering around, drooling, sometimes
later being sick and vomiting for 24 hours.  Some dogs never actually seized,
but became very uncoordinated, and lots of foam around the mouth.
Those of you buying naturally preserved dog food better watch the date codes
religiously if you live in a hot climate.   Many places warehouse the food
too long.  Buy freshest feed you can find.   

Sharon Hodgdon
Bradenton FL