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Re: [pyrnet] Funny Story about Walking off leash

Mark, This is only my opinion so please take it for what it is. We looked 
into getting a Bernese Mountain Dog, (also a Leonbergers) and they are 
beautiful dogs! It just seemed all the visits to breeders, and calling my vet 
and asking his opinion, plus all the other investigating, reading books, 
online info. we decided on a Pyr again.. The main reason was our two young 
boys. We couldnt ask for a better dog,when we had our second son we had 1 
young rescue female ,and a male ( he had to be put down due to a brain 
tumor). And she was wonderful, thinking no way another dog could be this 
great it must be her, we got our  third Pyr another male from a breeder here 
in Michigan. He is the best hotwheel ramp in the world! lol Again we have 
another wonderful family dog. We are now on our third and she is also 
wonderful.Believe me no one knows better than myself about all the work the 
Pyr takes! We have a barker,a marker, and a jumper! I cant tell you how many 
times I have said this is my last Pyr! But I keep going back to this 
wonderful dog.I can rest at night when my husband is gone on business and we 
are alone,because I have three wonderful Pyrs cuddling with us but also 
willing to protect thier family no matter what it takes. This is just my 
opinion. Thanks for listening. Julie