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re: Re: [pyrnet] rainy weather

Hi Barb,
How large of a sandbox did you put in? One more question...what did the shovelful of their feces do? Was the feces reference to the hole in the yard, or the holes they dug in the sandbox?  Did it tell the pyrs that that was their territory, or that it would be a nasty mess if they dug there again?(Emmett is picky about being around poop, but fresh mud that's okay, "I am hearing twilight zone music over that one". So I could understand if it was poop mess they were staying away from). Just trying to understand. Must be my head cold...lol Oops, 
I guess that wasn't just one more question.
Keeping him clean is going to be a choir and a half. I can tell now. But we love him anyway.
Thanks for the feed back. And If I don't make any sense at all please disregard this e-mail...lol I am really down with the sickies.

> ** Original Subject: Re: [pyrnet] rainy weather
> ** Original Sender: "Barb Bowes" <bamb@monmouth.com>
> ** Original Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 16:26:20 -0700

> ** Original Message follows... 

> Well, Merri, you could buy some nice sized trees and plant them
> in the holes perhaps? LOL! Umm, mine dig ALL the time. The way we
> solved the problem of them excavating the foundation in the other
> house, was by giving them a LARGE sandbox in which they were
> allowed to dig. If they dug anywhere else, it was filled in,
> complete with a shovelful of their feces. They soon learned that
> the designated area was "theirs" and the rest of the yard was
> "ours".
> Barb Bowes
> Bo & Chelsea (Pyrs), Flopsy (Pyr Shep) & Machin (Doxie)
> The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!
> bamb@monmouth.com
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>** --------- End Original Message ----------- **

