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re: Re: [pyrnet] rainy weather

Hi Allison,
I hope that went Emmett grows older he will want to stay out of the rain like your daddy dog. What a mess! We went over the tub twice with tub & tile cleaner. Yack... I am so tire right now.I don't know which way is up. Thanks for telling me about your pyrs. :o) I was concerned about him staying out in the rain too. I told Emmett that he shouldn't do wwf mud wrestling when we are not home, and can't charge admission...lol I am going to turn in for now. Have a great night :o)

> ** Original Subject: Re: [pyrnet] rainy weather
> ** Original Sender: "Allison" <pearldigger@earthlink.net>
> ** Original Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 19:33:13 -0700

> ** Original Message follows... 

> well, i know what you mean....
> thing is,  i have 6 digging, and i'm afraid i have to tell you that it's
> just what pyrs do.  my yard is no good to anyone but the dogs. lol!  i have
> holes of every size and depth there is, every shape and form you could come
> up w/.  but i'm glad to hear that others stay out in the rain....i have a
> big huge barn-shaped storage shed that was put up soley for the dogs, but do
> they go in it??  seldom - only if it's impossible to see a foot in front of
> you from the rain (w/the exception of my daddy dog....he refuses to get
> dirty or wet, so he camps out in it).  they stay out in the rain and roll in
> the mud all the time.  i've often wondered if it's their nature or if it's
> just my dogs.....glad to know it's the pyr in them and not just mine being
> crazy.  they tend to do the silliest things and everyone tells me it's b/c
> they're MY dogs! lol!!  i pick on them and tell them they are not newfs!!!!
> pyrs are white, not black, so stop taking mud baths!  they just don't
> listen.....
> allison
> ----- Original Message -----From: <merrirfav@icehouse.net>
> To: <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 4:02 PM
> Subject: re: [pyrnet] rainy weather
> > Hi all,
> > Rain, and snow/slush in the northwest. What is it with Pyrs, and mud!
> Looks like Spring digging for Emmett.
> > Right by the fence 3 ft deep, I swear... I thought I was going see clean
> through to another country. He doesn't normally dig. He didn't tunnel. He
> just dug a LARGE hole! Is it the Spring rain. He got a ton of exercise this
> last weekend. Is digging the holes a type of bedding down? He has a giant
> dog house under a deck, but still prefers to be out in the rain. He was
> covered with mud from ear to ear, and from head to toe. *Smiling*
> > My son and I gave him a luke warm bath, and dried him. Is this going to be
> the routine when we get home? I have to go get dirt, for where he dug. My
> son said, there were many places where he dug up. This is our first Spring
> with Em. So I had to ask if it is Spring digging? Or if it could be
> something else. I too have a carpet cleaner. TG! Any advise?
> > Mer
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Mer
> >
> >
> >
> >
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>** --------- End Original Message ----------- **

