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[pyrnet] HEALTH: Front feet toeing out

As you probably know, we are currently fostering two pyrs.  We have noticed
that when the male (1 year old on Feb 28) walks he has a tendency to turn
his front feet out to the sides.  At times when standing this is very
noticeable, with the feet almost at a 45 deg to the centre line.  When we
try to stack him, he doesn't seem comfortable to stand in the correct
alignment (we never force him).  He currently weighs about 90 pounds, and
being a tall lad, could really use some meat on his bones.  The hind feet
seem to have a normal placement, and when going away from you he has a very
decent gait.

We were speaking with several pyr people this weekend, and a couple of the
suggestions mentioned were:
1)	Poor nutrition as a pup.  (The people who turned the dog in acquired him
at the age of 8 months from a farm, so this 	could be a possibility.) 
2)	Tendon problem.

We are currently making sure he has a good diet and as much exercise as he
desires.  The day after we got him and his "sister", we took them for
shots, heartworm and fecal checks, and these checks all came back negative.

--- Robyn Allwright
--- ziffanyrobyn@earthlink.net
--- Ziffany Great Pyrenees