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[pyrnet] Dry Nose

After all the fly discussions...
I LMAO when I receive this URL this morning. 
Maybe this will help keep the flies away. Tee Hee...

Swat sounds like a really good product . . .Wounds, open sores, scratches and abrasions must be protected from dirt, filth and, most of all, disease-carrying flies. Swat Fly Repellent Ointment's botanically-derived pyrethrin formula repels house flies, stable flies, face flies and horn flies. Kills them on contact. Ideal for use on the ears and other facial areas. Apply daily for continued protection. For use on horses, ponies and dogs. Thank You Deanna Nalon 

I didn't find Musher's secret online, so I ordered a catalog... Thank You Geraldine 
New England Serum 

An article on Flystrike

I'll have to look into Musher's Secret, and Swat . . . if we get a case of flies or cracked pads.
Hey, everyone...
After taking your advice the Bag Balm has made an improvement already. Anyway, I want to thank all of you again for your help. This list is a very good tool, thanks for providing it; PyrNet!!
Merri, Emmett & Melvin
Spokane, Wa