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Re: [pyrnet] CHAT: road rage incident

I often wonder why these people never stick their heads
in a car with a big dog?
Although this is a serious subject, it reminded me of a funny situation
about 2 years ago.  David and I were coming back from a show in Charlotte,
NC on a Saturday morning with Baron and Zoe in the back of the Ford Escort
wagon (This was pre-RV days).  I was driving, and sure enough on the road I
was driving along the local police had a road block to check for whatever
they like to check for at those things.  Well, as I pulled up to the
policeman and rolled down the window, two large white heads pushed their
way between me and the officer.  The look on his face was priceless -- he
simply said "That's fine madame, you can go", and waved me through the
checkpoint as he stepped back from the car.

Gee, why didn't I have them with me the day I was stopped for doing 41 in a
25 zone :-(

--- Robyn Allwright
--- ziffanyrobyn@earthlink.net
--- Ziffany Great Pyre