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[pyrnet] Cold thoughts

You all  in Texas, California and Florida really
have my sympathy.  I whine when it gets in the 80's --
I whine BIG TIME. My electric bill has not hit $100
yet in the four years we have been in the new house
2750 sqf.  With the new house dh gave up on heating
with wood (keeps you 4 times warmer, split, stack,
carry, and burn) and now we have glorious oil.  It
will cost around $1,500 to heat this year-- we keep
the house at 65.  The dogs think it is heavenly and I
have learned to wear slippers and socks and not to expect that toast warm
dry heat.  Also don't have to get up at three am to feed the stove.  We are
fortunate enough to be in a position at this time that
we can prepay our winter oil and save money.  Those
less fortunate were paying over a $1.60 a gallon.  Our
house is well insulated and to keep it at 65 it takes
over 300 gallons a month.
I thought of sending all you suffering from the heat
pictures of our house last April, when we were
shoveling out -- at roof level on snow shoes!! (can't
remember  if attachements are allowed)

We still had one patch of snow on June first -- but it
went quickly.
