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[pyrnet] Question on behaviour

Now I have a question for veteran Pyr owners.

Maude, our Golden/Pyr cross, is just a puppy (18 mos.)

She suddenly took to smiling (pulling back her lip and
baring her teeth) -- but no growls or posturing - just
"smiling" about a week ago.

This was okay we thought, but then she started to try
to dominate Zack and everyone else in the house, she
would smile and then growl and then set up for attack
posturing and arching her shoulders.

So, in accordance with one of the books, I rolled her
over on her back when she did it and put an arm across
her throat. I waited until she turned away and her
legs relaxed (this took a few minutes as Maude is
quite stubborn). She gave up went limp and I released
her. I made her go sit and then down.  Because she did
her commands well I gave her a small "cookie".  Then I
went back to my desk and got ready to work.  Maude
comes over, butts me with her head and "smiles" at me
again! -- Do you know how hard it is to look mean when
all you want to do is laugh.  This was absolute 3 year
old.  A definite "so there".  But I put her belly up
again, she relaxed immediately and when released she
went on her way.  

I am pretty sure she just took me for a ride here.

Question, is there a better way to control her

If not, and she repeats the head butt/smile routine
what do I do?

My dog obediance class doesn't meet until Friday and
she is repeating this behavior daily.  

I am concerned that the neighbors, who don't like the
barking will get nasty if they see her "smile".

Please help ASAP

--Zack is very placid about the whole affair, however,
when she provokes him with strangers around he goes
after her big time.  The snarl, snap, growl at each
other.  Not a good show.
