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Re: [pyrnet] Question on behaviour

Tea, as Barb said, Pyrs. do smile ( one of their most endearing, charming
behaviors, I think ), so you will really need to be careful not to think
that every time she smiles, it will escalate to a behavior you don't
want.  Also, her reaction with other dogs, needs to left to a certain
degree on their own to be played out.  Not to the point of hurting each
other obviously, but to establish their place in the unit.  If she is
acting like she wants to be aggressive with the people, then that is
different.  You may be best doing a loud, quick "NO" snapping a leash on
her and making her do, heals, sit's, lays, etc. to both redirect her
attention from what she is trying to get away with, to what she is
expected to do with you.  Only you know whats really up with her, and how
you feel about what she is doing.  Good luck!  Cindy

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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