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Re: [pyrnet] Question on behaviour

>>Question, is there a better way to control her
Hi Tea, I am not a veteran Pyr owner, but I do have more than my fair share
of experience with aggression, so I hope you don't mind me giving my view on
I do not believe that this display of her's could be considered "aggression"
at all. I think that it is totally normal behavior, for any strong willed
female to try and assert dominance if she thinks there may be an opening.
Test the waters so to speak.
In a wild pack she would probably be on her way to being the Alpha bitch. Of
course in your home, she must be knocked down some notches on the totem. She
must learn that YOU are the Alpha. 
I think that you did well in immediately correcting this behavior, but as
Barb mentioned there are more affective ways, than the roll, and it can't
just stop there. She will have to be shown in other aspects, that she is not
in control also.
My recommendation along with the points on the web site Barb mentioned, is
that every time she displays her dominance, send her to her crate, make her
stay in there, door open (must stay because she's obeying you, not because
she has no choice) For at least two hours. When its time to let her come
out, have one of the lesser members of the house (do you have kids?) call
her out, freedom is her reward. For true signs of aggression a much longer
stay in the crate is required.
But I do not think that you have an "aggressive" situation, just a young dog
wanting to be head honcho.
Just my humble opinion.
Owner of Zeus (Pyr) & Pepsi (SheppardX)