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Re: [pyrnet] Scrapple in Bottles?

Title: Re: [pyrnet] Scrapple in Bottles?
   Julie, I would say that the almost $3 that Allie got was all profit.  I probably contributed 50 cents or so, since there were only about six of us
   Years later, when we were in our twenties,we met at a party. She was the best dressed woman there.  Allie was not greedy
or money crazy, but she did keep an eye on the bottom line.  She wore a silkish blouse that must have cost a bundle. It clung to her breasts, as it was supposed to do, and
they were  something else.
  All of us had come to terms about the
inspection and subsequent loss of our limited money. So, we could talk about it.
   I was only kidding when I asked her if what I saw was real. Now that isn't a nice question, but among friends, perfectly legal.  She vowed it was.  We talked, then mingled with the other guests.
   Just before we left, out of pains of remorse for teasing little boys with something they cannot have, we met in the hallway and she guided me into a bedroom and closed the door.
   She took off the expensive blouse and
put it on the bed.  Then she removed the
bra and I didn't peep this time.  I got a first-hand, straight on, body-shuddering look at Miss Allie's assets and they were beautiful.  We held each other and kissed, but nothing more.  And I am a kisser, and kissed her on and off the lips.
   Although nothing really happened, that satisfied my curiosity and I am a much happier man today for the experience.  Wouldn't it be awful, if I had to spend my life wondering about all that?  There is the China threat (missile war in two years, I think), the threat from two Clinton lurking in the shadows, and how to worm my goat holistically.  Wondering about Allie would  have made an overload on my delicate synapses.
   My mother taught me to respect women, to acquire the right view of them, and a lot of
what are the  duties of a husband. Angie did not want one of her boys becoming a dysfunctional male. Although she didn't put it in these words, she meant that men walk around with a time bomb in their clothing.
It can send you to jail, cause great suffering to people who had nothing to do with the misconduct, cause you to lose everything from your livelihood to respect of your peers. But as she was careful to say, there is a time and a place for manly
shenanigans.If more mothers instructed their sons, instead of fathers, it would be a happier, safer and enjoyable world for both genders.
   So, I thank Allie for paying a debt, and
wish her every good thing.  The last I knew she was holed up in a condo in Florida,making regular trips to the Caribbean and to wherever else she wants to go. She is a good person, but you can't help but wonder how much what she didn't show us that day, has to do with it.
   I always say, if you have it flaunt it; and if you don't, fake it.  And she did.
Hermit in the Woods 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 11:07 PM
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] Scrapple in Bottles?

I've been thinking on this on Hermit and now I have the answer.  You must of spilled your coffee turning the hand crank on the generator that runs your computer!  I feels so smart.  (-;  So... How much money did you lose to Miss Allie on that day.  You put me right there with that story - the sign of a good writer.

Julie  :::still chuckling:::

From: "Gordon Crump" <hermit@duo-county.com>
Reply-To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 17:20:53 -0500
To: <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] Scrapple in Bottles?

 That's it Barb!  I have been having trouble with my keyboard since I spilled coffee in it about 4 A.M. but that mistake is charged against the computer in my head.
Oh! Well!  That is only my second mistake (I
thought I had made one in 1993,but hadn't).

Hermit in the Woods, slipping a notch
----- Original Message -----
From: Barb Bowes <mailto:bamb@monmouth.com>  
To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 2:40 PM
Subject: [pyrnet] Scrapple in Bottles?

Now, I know what Scrapple is, I've even eaten it on occasion. But I do believe, Gordon, that it would be quite difficult to get out of the bottle. Do you perhaps use Snapple bottles instead? ROFL!

Barb Bowes
Bo & Chelsea (Pyrs), Flopsy (Pyr Shep) & Machin (Doxie)
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!