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Re: [pyrnet] UTI?

Hello Matt

I'd bite the bullet and spend the dollars you might otherwise spend on
carpet cleaning. These UTIs do not go away of their own accord and will
cause Lola considerable discomfort. We have had good results with
antibiotics. Shelby has had a number of incidents of UTI over her long life.
The antibiotic may put her off her food for a bit, but if you follow
instructions and administer the full course she will rebound rapidly.

----- Original Message -----
From: <BmaMedic@aol.com>
To: <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 8:47 AM
Subject: [pyrnet] UTI?

> Puppy Lola has been having trouble controlling her water lately.  She even
> went as fas as to urinate in her crate.  This is a dramatic reversal from
> early and successful potty training.  I surmised she may have a urinary
> infection and is having reduced capacity to control water.  I believe this
> the case as I have detected an off odor and creamy (mild) discharge.  I am
> curious if anyone has had success treating such an issue and how they went
> about it.  Of course I could just take her to the vet and have him
> the same thing for 35 dollars and charge me an outrageous price for
> antibiotics, but I thought I should tap my resources.
>     Exposure to a plethora of nasties is easy for Lola as she works for
> PetsMart as an assistant trainer.  Louie (some of you know my Saint)
> kennel cough there and my Vet has since seen it clear to boost the number
> intra nasal vaccines to combat this problem.  Vaginitis is a possibility,
> course as she sits on the floor sometimes and it is easily transmitted.
> Whatcha All think?
> Matt Agnese
> Concord, NC
> Louie (Saint) Lola (Gt Pyr)
> four annoying parrots
> and
> some little rat looking thing my wife picked out.
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