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Re: [pyrnet] snow dogs

Jascha started lying down to eat as a puppy.  He got his full name Eupatomic Jascha (Fresh Water Loving Little Jacob in translation) because as a puppy he would use one paw to pull his large water dish over to him while lying down and invariably spill it all over the kitchen floor.  He did not get up and just lay in the mess.  Since it was the summer in Philadelphia, this was a daily occurrance.
Now that Jascha is nearly ten and does have severe arthritis in his hips and back he is more likely to stand to eat.  It's not logical.  Amy
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 1:27 AM
Subject: [pyrnet] snow dogs

Well it's snowing like crazy in the Catskill Mountains of NY, we could get up to a foot.  Pooh Bear my 2-3 year old is happy as can be.  Winnie Bear 6-7 year old is ok about it.  I don't think my older one likes being outside as much as the younger one does.  They live in my goat pasture.  I knew that the snow was coming soon, so I've driven my husband crazy with getting my dogs additional shelter. 
We have a 10x30 tarped building with stockade fence around most of it (poor mans garage) which is next to the goat stable.  I cleaned out the bikes and mowers and misc. junk.  Finished fencing it in and put a gate between this "kennel" and the goat pasture.  We put a deck on the ground so the dogs can get off the cold ground.  Also put a doghouse in there and a big thick folded up quilt.  Now when I go to feed the dogs I put them in here.  Their food stays dry, best yet, the goats can't eat it.  They can nap in a doghouse or snooze on the comforter.  The sun shines in the one end where I have a chainlink kennel panel.  They can stay in this kennel building or go into a small outdoor run.  After a few hours I let them back in with the goats.  They can sleep in the goat house or their calve hutch. 
We finally warmed up, we were above 32 today.  It hasn't been this warm in 3 weeks.  The dogs seem to like the cold weather though.  Especially Pooh Bear, she hates it when I bring her inside. 
 I have a question about Winnie Bear though.  I noticed she doesn't like to jump up, doesn't dig, will not crawl under the fence when Pooh Bear digs out and also lies down when she eats.  Would this indicate that she might have a problem with her hips?  Also her fur is not as thick as Pooh Bears.  She is about 6/7 years old (she was a rescue dog from MD), is this considered old for a Pyr?  Should I maybe consider making her an inside dog.  I probably could do it with her.  Never with Pooh Bear, she is a restless teenager who hates being cooped up indoors and hates the heat.  She probably sleeping in the snow as I type.
Thanks for any input.
Heidi in snowy NY