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[pyrnet] Alpha doga

Not true Rhonda, you just have to use the right techniques. Alpha Boot Camp
works quite well.


Scroll down to the Alpha Boot Camp Article

Thanks. I'll check it out.

I think Rhonda was being more rueful than truthful.  As another =
vertically disadvantaged person I can empathize.

I was, actually. He really minds fairly well in most everything else, but when it comes to clipping nails or bruhing him...uh uh, no way. And it's the same if Larry tries to do it, and I'm pretty sure he considers Larry Alpha Male around here. I just hate to think that the rest of his life it's going to be a battle every single time we have to groom him. <sigh>

Through most of our marriage we had Newfoundlands and now a Pyr.  I have =
been the one to do the obedience training and at one point had a 5 year =
old little girl who could walk a 120# Newf with no difficulty.  However =
I will admit that there were one or two times when one of them got a =
wild hair while on lead and took off with me plowing furrows in the dirt =
yelling "NO, STOP, BAD DOG".  At 5' and just over 100# most of my adult =
life (notice how adroitly I avoid mention of what I now weigh) I was =
little or no deterrent to a wild run.

ROFL! Yep. I certainly found THAT out to the detriment of my finger!  Which, btw, STILL HURTS. It looks really weird...has anyone else ever had a pin in a finger? It looks for all the world like I have a little round plastic ball just beneath the skin and above the "meat" in the end of my finger. Just "set" in the end. Of course, I assume the "ball" is just the tip of the pin, but it really looks odd. And STILL, if  I should happen to bump the end of the finger,  I'm on a trip through the roof. I'll sure be glad when the 19th of this month has come and gone and I can get this thing OUT.

As for Alpha Boot Camp........may work great with dogs but I have tried =
it with husband (6'4" and 230#) and grown kids with little or no =
success.  They bring up things like Human Rights, etc.  I Don't Get No =

Yup. I need an Alpha Boot Camp to deal with husbands and sons more than dogs. The dog minds me a WHOLE lot better than THEY do!

  You just need to hit upon the right tone of voice. I am 5"1' and 125 =
pounds. And could still make Beau back down even though he outweighed me =
and I couldn't loom over him if my life depended on it. Size does not an =
alpha make. If your dog knows you are not going to take any gruff off =
them they will respect you. If they know you are easy to intimidate they =
will take full advantage of the situation. You need to lay down the law =
and be prepared to back it up if they try to push the issue.
  Marie, Valentino and angel Beau

Like I said, for the MOST part, Newman obeys me. It's just the grooming that's the problem, and when push comes to shove THERE, he knows I can't hold him down by myself. Even if Larry holds him down for it, he STILL fights BOTH of us.

Thanks for all the help and encouragement, guys!