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Re: [pyrnet] Thunder Fear

Ellen, my Pyr/Maremma cross (3 years old yesterday) is the biggest baby when it
comes to thunder and, specifically, gunshots and fireworks (we live out in the
boonies so there's often an echo of hunters a short distance away).  Juma has
been known to climb up the back of our Suburban (window down, tailgate up) and
crawl through the open window to snuggle in the driver's seat.  She also begs to
be let in the house so she can hide in the smallest spot possible in our bedroom
(between the bed and the wall, about 12" clearance).  She gets herself so worked
up she'll almost hyperventilate, pant, and give herself the hiccups like she had
as a puppy.  We have always just let her have a safe spot to go to whenever she
gets spooked like this.  We also try to soundproof wherever she chooses to lay,
putting pillows near her ears or playing a radio softly near her to drown out
the sounds from outside.  Most of all, we try to act normal and be much calmer
than usual, talking to her in soothing voices and such.  Our next-door neighbors
shot off fireworks last July 4th which scared the stew out of me; this led Juma
to her worst panic-flight to date, and I'm convinced some of it had to do with
the fact that she knew Mommy was flipped out.

Hope this helps!  -Stacey