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Re: [pyrnet] Getting a Pyr to Eat

We have somewhere between 20-25 chickens and a rooster on about an acre and 
a half but they don't go into the dog pens....fence is too high even though 
one sometimes roosts in a tree.

We do still seem to have some fleas but not so many ticks usually.  When we 
move in a few months we'll be on over 25 acres but the chickens will be in 
the fields with the dogs, etc.

I definitely am going to have to look into something for the 
environment/soil and also hope that the goat milk I'm looking forward to 
will help bring on the weight faster.

Chrissy  :)

>A lot of factors contribute to worm infestation in the soil. Type
>of soil, type of climate, control of worms in animals as well as
>all the livestock and wildlife. Best control I know of for
>gaining and keeping control of tapeworm is chickens. We had a
>horrible flea infestation. Got a few hens and never had another
>problem. Takes only one tapeworm infected flea, ingested by a dog
>or cat, to cause tapeworm infestation in same. And yes, people
>can get tapeworm too. Don't know if lime would help with the
>worms in the soil or not, but agricultural lime is toxic to dogs
>and cats and probably livestock as well. You have to lime an area
>right before it rains so that is gets washed into the ground, and
>all animals should be kept off the area limed until this has
>occurred. Chickens are easier! And you get all those lovely fresh
>eggs every day. Chickes cut down on the amount of ticks as well.
>Wonderful insect control, IMO. Environmentally friendly as well.
>Fertilizer produced by chickens is the best there is, but it has
>to "cure" for a year before used as it is too "hot" and will burn
>plants. Downside is that it stinks to high heaven in the summer
>while it is "curing"! Our chickens were more or less free range
>so we did not have the problem of fertilizer "build up". But
>then, we had a half dozen hens on a 90' by 100' or so suburban
>lot. The only time the neighbors got upset was when we ended up
>with a rooster by mistake. Of course, each neighbor got their
>share of fresh eggs. <G>
>Barb Bowes
>Bo & Chelsea (Pyrs), Flopsy (Pyr Shep) & Machin (Doxie)
>The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!

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