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Re: [pyrnet] Re: Stockguard: My(Sissy's) anwser

I don't get much chance to post to the list during the school year but ...hooray!
summer is here!  So, on this question, I do think that sometimes the "top dog"
role does change, particularly as the dogs get older.  However, the girls are
usually top dog around here.  Adolescent males can be a real pain and very
bothersome for weeks and weeks before the girls come into season and the girls
have to tell them what's what. So, just because he is a pest does not necessarily
mean that he is trying to be top dog.  I don't ever recall a male-female fight
that was more than a lot of noise. She may be just trying to tell him to leave
her alone.  Usually males and females get along just great. I would  leave them
to work it out.
    About responsible breeders of livestock and/or dogs.  Those people that I
know that are very careful about breeding dogs are generally very careful about
their other livestock as well, i.e. if they take the time to find out what health
problems and good and bad traits are behind their dogs before breeding them they
generally do the same with their sheep, goats, horses etc.  I have taken back 6
and 7 year old dogs that I sold as pups because the owners got divorced and could
no longer keep the dog. One of them turned out to be a great livestock guardian
dog even though he had only been a house pet.  I have a friend that always takes
back her donkeys, sheep, goats, etc. if people can't keep them.
Charlotte Perry

SB13569@aol.com wrote:

> O.K. so apparently i used the wrong heading when asking my question, Maybe
> what i should have said was: If a person has 2 dogs and up to a certain point
> 1 has always been top dog do these roles ever reverse? and if so do i as a
> rule let them work it out? Surley to God those of you who have 12 and 15 dog
> at some point they get into scraps?! that dosent make them any more of a
> threat than they were  before that just means they got pissed off about
> something. I just want to know, was this normal for the roles to reverse and
> the top dog to be the bottom dog for a while and if so does she ever get to
> be top dog again?  Again thank you for your anwsers,  and here's a thought to
> ponder for those of you who are so vehemently against this whole backyard
> breeder thing(when it comes to dogs) do you raise goats or sheep or cattle or
> horses or any other type of animal and are you as diligent with the breeding
> of them as you are your dogs, ie:if you raise goats do you do back ground
> searchs on every person that wants to buy a goat, and if later on oh lets
> say, 6 yrs later, they want to return this goat are you going to take it
> back, i admit thats alittle out there, but being realistic whats the
> differance, an animal is a animal!
> Sissy
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